RED ELÉCTRICA DE ESPAÑA, S.A.U, in the maintenance plan for 2015, made the replacement of the current condcutors at the 220 kV single circuit line Centenario – Guillena of the demarcation South transport, in the sections between the supports 17A 18A and span 33- 36-37.
Power Line Features
- Voltage: 220kV
- Height: Zone A
- Number of circuits: 1
- Support arrangement: Staggered
- Number of conductors per phase: 1
- Conductor: Condor
- Foundations: solids independent for each leg of support, mass concrete
- Insulation: Glass
Summary of work done
The actions carried out are:
- Transport of materials
- Conditioning accesses
- Removing existing conductors
- New conductor stringing
- Laying, hook, regulation and conductors stapling
- Restitution of accesses and land affected
- Making AS-BUILT ground plan and affected line section profile